Personal Profile

Mona Kassim


Mona Kassim is a Certified Talent and Competency Management Professional, a Certified Trainer Professional and former Deputy Director of ILIA, UBD. She is a Schouten Global Faculty Member (Netherlands). She served as an academic faculty member with her last designation as Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Policy Studies, UBD for 13 years before taking early retirement to set up several companies in various industries since 2011. She is Brunei's only Business Professor awarded under the 'Consultant Based Learning for ASEAN SMEs' (COBLAS), a Japan-Asean Integration Funded programme. She is the Founder of MuBn Learning and Growth Company and Co-Founder of Tarbiyyah Global, PAZ Tarbiyyah Islamic Enrichment Centre and the Happy Harun Company, which are eduwaqaf specialists who design, develop and deliver Islamic contents programmes.


Professional Details

Company Name
Mubn Learning and Growth Group of Companies
Industry Background
Field(s) of Expertise
Youth Entrepreneurship, Islamic Kids Enrichment, Women in Business,
Area(s) of Mentorship
Entrepreneurship development, business development, market validation, mindset change, competencies development

Mentoring Details

Mentor Type
Business Owner
Preferred Language of Communication
Preferred Mentorship Length
3 months
Meeting Frequencies
Once a month
Number of Hours per Meeting Session
2 hours